18. Slug Input Field

This widget is used to create a “slug” using the value of another input field, which typically is a text field. It usually is used as the browser’s counterpart for a Django SlugField.

The Django Admin provides such client-side functionality, where one can specify that (slug) field to be prepopulated using the content of another text input field. To emulate a similar behavior, django-formset provides a special widget named SlugInput.

from django.forms import fields, forms
from formset.widgets import SlugInput

class ArticleForm(...):
    title = fields.CharField(

    slug = fields.SlugField(

This widget takes a single attribute with the name of another field of the same form. That field’s input value then is used to prepopulate the slug field, where the generated value is produced by concatenating the values of the source fields, and then by transforming that result into a valid slug (e.g. substituting dashes for spaces, lowercasing letters and rewriting unicode characters to ASCII letters).

Prefilled slug fields aren’t modified after a value has been saved as this usually is undesired behavior.

18.1. Implementation

This implementation of the SlugInput widget is based on the JavaScript library slug by Rich Trott and contributors.